Energy performance is key in Aotearoa's first triple green certified building

200 Tuam St

Environment Canterbury's main office in Christchurch has become a green building pioneer, with the organisation the country's first to achieve not only a 5 star NABERSNZ rating, but a Green Star Performance and Net Zero Buildings
certification as well.

The organisation's commitment to benchmarking and improving performance has been ongoing, with Environment Canterbury successfully using the NABERSNZ rating system for the past four years.

200 Tuam Street Christchurch case study [PDF 1.5 MB]




  • 5 NABERSNZ Whole Building
  • 4 Green Star Performance
  • Net Zero™ Buildings certificaiton (CarboNZero pilot)

Building Profile

Owner Environment Canterbury | Kaunihera Taiaoki Waitaha
Address 200 Tuam Street, Christchurch
Total floor area 7,236m2
Staff over 5 floors 650
Number of computers 433
Total energy use 756,376 (kWh/year)
Energy intensity (kWh/m2/year)
Indicative GHG emissions (kg CO2-e/year) 104,450
GHG intensity (kg CO2-e/m2/year) 14.4