82 Wyndham Street - Base Building

NZX listed property company Argosy Property Limited has used their expertise in sustainable building to take an existing B-Grade building, apply the Greenstar framework and deliver an A-grade building that balances sustainability & energy efficiency. The result has exceeded expectations achieving 5 Greenstar Office Built rating and 5.5 star NABERSNZ base building rating and 5.5 star NABERSNZ whole building rating.

The upgrade went beyond air, lighting and interior fit out to include an end of trip facility and upgrades to bathrooms to encourage tenants and occupants to be more active and use alternative healthy, environmentally friendly transport options when commuting to the city.


About 82 Wyndham Street

Address 82 Wyndham Street, Auckland
NABERSNZ rating 6 Stars
Type of rating Base Building Rating
Expires 13 November 2024
Size 6,011.9m²
Rating Owner Argosy Property Ltd
NABERSNZ Assessor Mohammed Sumsuzzan